Cielo Scholarship Application in English

Cielo Scholarship Application in English
Any information you provide in this question will be used for statistical purposes and to measure the effectiveness of our diversity plan. This question is not considered as part of the application for grant and will not be included in the application screening process. Please check the box below which most accurately describes you. Please select your ethnic group:
If student is over the age of 18, Cielo follows FERPA federal law and is restricted from speaking with anyone aside from student (until release forms are signed) in regards to this application and award money.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please tell us about yourself including your goals and interests. We value community service of all types, please tell us of any volunteer work in which you are involved. Please also tell us about the school and program you wish to attend and how this will help you achieve your career aspirations. Be sure to let us know what the career possibilities are: employability and salary.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please provide two letters of professional recommendation (ie. Supervisor, teacher, probation officer).
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please provide two letters of professional recommendation (ie. Supervisor, teacher, probation officer).
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This scholarship is needs based. Please provide your personal (yours or who claims you as a dependent) tax returns for last year. If you are working with a case manager at an outside agency, please discuss this portion with them. *If you do NOT have tax returns, please contact us.*
I, the Applicant for this Scholarship Application, warrant the truthfulness of the information provided in this application. By signing this document, I also agree to complete a short survey each year for three years upon completing my certification.
If Applicant is under 18 years of age: I the guardian agree that all the information on this form is correct and give the applicant my permission to apply for this scholarship and consent that the applicant will complete a short survey each year for three years upon completing certification.

Terms of Award

  • Attendance to all required classes.
  • Passing grades in all required courses (a 2.0 grade point average or pass).
  • Certificate of completion.
  • Grant funds will be paid directly to the school by The Cielo Foundation.
  • Grant funds will then be applied to enrolled students who are in good standing.
  • Recipients of scholarships will be required to submit attendance records and end of semester grades.
  • Contact or interviews with Technical School staff may be used as a mid-term check-in.
  • Students will be provided with a warning should either their grades or attendance fall below requirements.
    • Warnings will be provided in the form of a letter to the student and the schools immediately following notification that grades or attendance have fallen below the requirement.
    • Warnings will be escalated to a violation should a semester of grades or attendance be below the requirement.
  • If the student violates the requirements of the scholarship, pro-rata funding of the remaining scholarship dollars will not be awarded to the student.